
Works of Art

My work with weddings has extended over 30 years. I charge $85 an Hr., anything over 8 hr.., $105 an hr. Because I think images are so important that I sell the negatives or digital files to my clients so they have them forever, the people who should have them.
My Weddings consist of; for Example: 8 hr. Getting Ready Photos, Wedding ,Church Family Photos & Reception
1. During 8 hr approx. 180 photos are taken.
2. You receive one 4x6 photo of each one.
3. Up to Fifty hand picked photos are are posted (private page) on our web site for two months so friends and relatives can view them from anywhere in the world!!!

1. To purchase Negatives or Digital Files the cost is $80 for all the Negatives or Digital Files of Photos taken.
2. To put photos on CD $25 per 24 images.
3 .To put photos on Flash Drive $75 per 100 images.
4. To put All Wedding Photos on CD $200
5. To put together a Wedding Album using 60 images, the cost is $300.

Call at (847) 731-7301
Arthur J. Hillson
Photographer - Artist
Web master

For Plant and Garden Photos Check out my Site at

Have Compost Will Garden


For more information E-Mail me
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Works of Art - Arthur Hillson